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April Showers Bring May Shoes


As spring makes its way into Colorado, things are beginning to wake up and bloom.  At the factory, we are feeling it too! 

Working with our new models is a fun ride, if a little like a roller coaster.  As is to be expected, the usual supplier delays made an appearance and machines have been temperamental.  Our larger size offerings brought a new set of interesting considerations for us this time around as well (fun fact: larger sizes require larger shoe boxes) that we’ve been working into our production as smoothly as we can.  Now that we’ve navigated some of the initial loops, we’re settling in for a good ride. 

Here is a missing image of a clown asking for a size 28.  We borrowed it from Jantoo Cartoon whom we asked permission to use it.  Apparently they didn't have the right to put their name on the image.  We had to remove the image because we have been informed by a 3rd party that it was from Cartoon Stock who is said to be the original source.  The 3rd party is asking o pay a fee and remove the image.  We were not offered or invited to do anything to keep the image up.  Anyway, it is hard to support each other with these kind of communication.

Our team has grown over the last couple of months, too.  With the new production line, we’ve needed a variety of skills to manufacture our shoes.  We’ve hand-picked a great group of individuals and it’s fun as we begin to come together, blossoming into a great team. 


We’ve been steadily sending Norwoods out the doors and onto feet.  While we test all of our models extensively, the real test is always in the hands (or on the feet, rather) of our customers. It’s you who bring SOMs into your lives and see how they perform in the real world. We’re excited with the reception our new models have gotten. 

“The new Norwoods are great. So light and comfortable I want to wear them everywhere. The new design looks great and they feel just like putting on my old SOMs”. - M. H.

We appreciate those of you who have taken the time to share your feedback with us—keep it coming!

Norwoods and SOMs
Pair #4 next to pair #5 -- M.D.


We would also like to acknowledge the confidence and patience our pre-order customers have shown.  We have some of the best customers out there and feel very grateful that we continue to have the opportunity to serve you.  


We’ve been increasing our online activity to keep up with the pace of the factory floor.  Be on the lookout for more regular blogs on a variety of topics.  Most recently, we took a look at strength training in minimalist shoes and saw the beauty in simple designs. Is there a topic you’d like to see us look into?  Send us an email and let us know!


Shoe Factory Field TripSpring is also field trip season for our local schools and the SOM factory has been fortunate to host of number of groups.  Among the bustle of activity, we show students around our factory and the work behind each pair of shoes.  Depending on the age group, discussions range from where shoes are often made to how an idea evolves from its first draft. 

While these students will not be customers for a while (kid’s sizes are still a ways off for us), it is a great opportunity to introduce them to manufacturing happening in their own backyard.  We have the chance to discuss the many parts that go into producing something seemingly very simple.  In exchange, we are treated to uncensored feedback on our new model color choices—and are also shamelessly lobbied to make kid’s sizes available soon.

Want to stay in the loop? Signing up for our newsletter is the best way! 

SOM Sense of Motion Footwear
1006 N. Cascade, Montrose, CO
Outlet store open Thursdays from 9-5 | Factory tours by appointment

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